If Not For You (Pinocchio) by David Spiller
The Power of Love (Donald Duck) by David Spiller
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by David Spiller
Love Is (Sylvester) by David Spiller
In Your Smile (Mutley) by David Spiller
Such A Perfect Day (Thompson Twins)by David Spiller
Love: Forever True by David Spiller
In My Heart by David Spiller
With Love (Mickey) by David Spiller
One Day by David Spiller
Walk With You (Jerry) by David Spiller
Young Love - Daisy by David Spiller
After The Flood by James Marsh
Spirit of Eden James Marsh
Philomena by Jim McElvaney
Quackers by Richard Levine
Goofball by Richard Levine
Doggy Style II by Richard Levine
Goggles! by Shannan Gia
If You Go Into The Woods by Shannan Gia
Queensbury Rules Right & Left by Sunil Pawar
Queensberry Rules Right by Sunil Pawar
Queensberry Rules Left by Sunil Pawar
Biscuits by Wayne Warren